Piston Society.
The objective of this rebrand was to show how Piston Society would present themselves if they had a identity refresh. With this new look and feel the hope was to express/own the ruggedness that comes with primarily motorcycle culture as a whole but, not excluding the many neighboring subcultures as well. Piston Society has only been around since 2016, but the brand was lacking the puncture point into its niche consumer.
Studying heritage motorcycle & automotive brands made it clear that PS needed a change and to go down a different path. A path where brand essence sold products produced not the other way around. After the dust settled and many of thoughts, I stumbled on a sweet spot where PS niche consumers could relate to the brand. Freedom. This rebrand was going to be focused on freedom, the main reason for saddling up on two wheels.
The Refresh.
This new identity is heavily rooted in the textured times of the mid-20th century motorcycle culture, where individuality was the driving force to make your mark. Passion kept these men and women ticking so, letting passion flow through everything will communicate transparency to the customer base. This will transcend PS to be looked at as an ownable and relatable brand. leading to them being able to captivate like-minded individuals to take their business to new heights by bringing old ideologies to modern day.